Digital Marketing As A Career

Digital Marketing As A Career

This is the fag end of 2020!

An end of one more decade, but technology is spreading its wings like never before. According to the recent report of data reporter, around 4.66 Billion people across the World use the internet. This encompasses approximately 60% of the World’s population. It’s a clear indication that on an average a person accesses internet 3.5 hours a day. That’s why modern marketers find online digital marketing the leading way to foster businesses. Online digital marketing helps businesses promote their products on a wider scope and build a high competitive strength.

Considering the growing popularity of online digital marketing, demand of digital marketing courses is increasing. It is projected that by 2022, the demand for digital marketing professionals is likely to exceed 20 Lakhs.

Before jumping over the scope of digital marketing courses in near future, firstly let’s understand the basics of what exactly digital marketing is?

Online digital marketing refers to advertising done through digital channels, like search engines, mobile apps, social media, websites etc. The online marketing efforts help introduce your products/services to the target audience and convince them to buy. The best thing about digital marketing is that marketers can get instant feedback from their customers about the products unlike traditional forms of marketing, like – TV, Billboard and Print where their reaction can’t be recorded.

Advantages of Digital Marketing        

1. Manageable by all sorts of businesses: Digital Marketing gives out a fair and equal chance to all kinds of businesses, be it small, medium or large to empower sales.Even startups can afford it conveniently to promote their products and services without burning any holes in their pockets.

2. Convenient to put into action: With digital marketing, advertisements can be adapted to various modes of display. It’s not only laptop or desktop, but also on mobile phones, that the advertisement could be displayed to various audiences. This is not possible with Television, radio and billboard advertising.

3.  Expands audience reach: Digital marketing helps reach audiences to any corner of the World unlike print media which limits you to certain places and markets. Whether it’s a metropolitan city or a small town, any location with internet access can look at the advertisement.

4. Possibility of market segmentation: Digital marketing not only allows campaigns to be targeted at specific customers, but also allows for deeper customer segmentation. The large customer groups are further broken down into smaller groups of customers according to a particular classification like – age, occupation, liking etc. Segmentation improves the chances of sales and cost cutting. Which is why a lot of digital marketing courses particularly focus on “how to target niche market” in their course curriculum.

5. Easy to measure: The success or otherwise of a digital campaign can easily be ascertained in comparison to traditional methods where one has to wait for weeks or months to evaluate the success of a campaign. However, with a digital campaign one can know almost immediately how an ad is performing.

6. Better return on investment: What can be the most peaceful breath of a business than having return on the investment as soon as possible? Advertising campaigns on social media platforms, PPC  or email marketing cost little in comparison to traditional marketing techniques.

7. Helps build as a brand: A well-developed website featuring history of company, products/services offering alongwith their images and useful articles help position brand amidst audience in a royal way.

8.  Create a multiplier effect with improved sales result: Most of the digital marketing channels can be easily shared with multiple followers. This helps improve potential leads which ultimately get converted into loyal customers. Various marketing institutions verdict that the major reason they have launched digital marketing courses because of its growing popularity among marketing aspirants. They believe that digital marketing is the best tool to amplify sales.

What are the strategies of Digital Marketing?

The beauty of Digital Marketing is that it helps all kinds of businesses to grow and target anyone, anytime. It can work best for both business-to-consumer (B2C) companies and business-to-business (B2B) companies by following the given strategies:

Pay Per Click Advertising: It is a broad term that covers where every user is paid whenever he clicks an advertisement. It’s a way of buying visits to your site, instead attempting to earn the visits organically.

Website Building: It’s a process of building and maintaining online presence of your brand to market your products and services and invite organic traffic. It acts as a 24×7 salesman narrating about the features and benefits of all their offering.

Social Media Marketing: It uses social media platforms like – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn to connect get connected with the audience. All the important updates about products and services or information about new product launch is disseminated through social media platforms, which ultimately help drive website traffic.

Search Engine Optimization: SEO stands “Search Engine Optimization.” It is the process of improving the site ranking for relevant searches. It helps improve the rating of web pages in Search Engine Result Pages. The better visibility of pages garners better attention and attracts prospective as well as existing customers to the businesses.

Content Marketing: Content Marketing is another important marketing strategy that focuses on using content assets like infographics, blog posts, eBooks and blogs to build awareness about the brand and drive sales. A lot of digital marketing courses based on content marketing are gaining importance these days where students are taught to write creatively.

Digital Marketing as a Career:

In recent times, the most sought after career opportunity is digital marketing. Statistics indicate that digital marketing industry is booming worldwide. Today job portals are filled with the digital marketing jobs offering great packages. Today’s modern enterprises want to hire talented digital marketers to boost up their productivity level.

Benefits of Digital Marketing courses:

Best salary package: The most fascinating advantage of digital marketing course is that it helps you get a better salary. Digital Marketing professionals are in huge demand these days due to growing competition within industry. Businesses are ready to pay high amounts to professionals who possess the best knowledge of digital marketing.

Great future scope: Digital marketing courses are in huge demand these days. The field definitely shows huge signs of growth. This course assures you with job security plus generous compensation.

Flexible working timings:  Another advantage of digital marketing course is that it gives you an advantage of opting flexible hours. Also, there is no tension about the working location. One can work from anywhere, anytime. Digital marketing courses also offer a lot of freelancing jobs if anyone doesn’t feel like working in a set routine.

Potential to pursue entrepreneurial desires: Digital Marketing has a huge scope when it comes to pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors. With low cost investments and right skills, a common individual can think of starting his/her own digital marketing business.

 Enhance skills and creativity: Digital marketing courses offer you excellent opportunity to expand skillset and gain new skills. The requisite knowledge and practical experience of digital marketing help enhance the marketing strategies of a company.

Growing importance of digital marketing courses in luxury industry:

The target audience of luxury brand is affluent class. Hence, it becomes really important for the marketers to market luxurious products in the broadest way. Digital marketing is the best tool to promote goods and services among audience. Hence, a lot of marketing institutions have started offering digital marketing courses to the luxury industry.

Here is why:

A personalized touch is maintained with the audience: Digital Marketing helps maintain a personalized touch with the audience by offering various designs in the form of video and images.

Convey brand stories in the most heart touching way: Digital Marketing helps explain brand stories in the most engaging and heart touches manner. Brand stories are created by choosing the right visually appealing image and text.

Better connectivity with the niche class: The audience of luxury brand is generally narrow, in such a case, digital marketing proves best.

Surpass competition by targeting right audience, at the right time: Instead beating around the bush with traditional methods of marketing, digital marketing keeps the focus on relevant audience and target them with creative product offering at the right time.

Market Luxury and Fashion brands with social media

Social media is one of the best tools of digital marketing to depict fashion and luxury items in the most influential manner. EspeciallyInstagram helps gain exposure based on aesthetic expertise. Sharing aesthetically pleasing content with amazing pictures brings appeal to the viewer, leaving him/her in awe to comment, share and like the posts. The more your fan base shares, the more people see the products bringing the brand to a win-win situation.

Websites help enhance look and feel of luxurious products

In the world of fashion and retail, luxurious outlook is a basic staple or you can say the look plays a major role to entice audiences.  Websites help projecting the elegant touch in the best way. Websites play on senses and understand the psychology of aesthetics, color and design converting potential leads into sales.

Therefore, a lot of digital marketing courses for fashion and luxury industry specifically focus on website building and social media management to target audience.

About LCBS:
With the ever changing retail and luxury sector, there is a considerable need of trained marketing professionals who can position brands in the most effective manner. LCBS – Luxury Connect Business School is one of the prestigious business schools that helps bridge the rising gap of skilled talent. Our experienced and learned faculty members enhance the skills and knowledge of the candidate to make them confident enough to enter the highest level of Luxury.

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      Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India (RASCI) under aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), A Government of India body, accredits Luxury Connect Business School (LCBS).

      LCBS has proudly created programs and systems which are in line with the above policy framework. Affiliation inspectors have certified our school as the only one following the prescribed international standard norms for retail in Luxury and premium goods & services. We have of course further specialized into ‘FASHION RETAIL’ and ‘LUXURY RETAIL’ via executive programs, on line programs, student programs and several certificate programs.

      We are proud to be recognized and contribute to the prime Ministers vision of a ‘Skilled India’.

      Medhavi Skills University is a renowned institution dedicated to nurturing the talents and skills of its students. With a strong focus on practical learning and industry-relevant programs, the university equips students with the knowledge and expertise required for successful careers in today’s competitive job market. Through its innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced faculty, Medhavi Skills University provides a dynamic learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

      The university’s commitment to holistic development ensures that students not only excel academically but also grow as confident and responsible individuals, ready to make a positive impact in their chosen fields. LCBS is the academic partner to Medhavi in the luxury management domain.

      Medhavi Skill University appoints Luxury Connect Business School as it Sectoral Partner to deliver India’s 1st and only MBA in Luxury Brand Management.

      Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India (RASCI) under aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), A Government of India body, accredits Luxury Connect Business School (LCBS).
      LCBS has proudly created programs and systems which are in line with the above policy framework. Affiliation inspectors have certified our school as the only one following the prescribed international standard norms for retail in Luxury and premium goods & services. We have of course further specialized into ‘FASHION RETAIL’ and ‘LUXURY RETAIL’ via executive programs, on line programs, student programs and several certificate programs.
      We are proud to be recognized and contribute to the prime Ministers vision of a ‘Skilled India’.